Business Coach Sascha Uno - Portrait 1

Sascha Uno:
A good business coach has many faces

Highly prized by global talents. Known from television, radio and press.

A good business coach is like a chameleon. He adapts to his environment to find the best possible solution for his clients. This means that he has a wide variety of personalities and knows exactly how to deal with them.

There’s the strict business coach who is tough on his clients and always gets the best out of them. Then there is the friendly business coach who motivates and trusts his clients.

And of course, there’s the professional business coach who teaches his clients how to make the right decisions to be successful.

No matter which type you need – a good business coach has it in store!

Live Online Sessions

Feel free to meet virtually via Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams

English and German

Fluent in both English and German, I support people from all over the world

Welcome to your future – here’s what I can tell you about:

My areas of expertise:

As a business coach for start-ups, I help my clients build their own businesses and lead them to success. In doing so, I not only provide them with the necessary tools, but also support them in fully realizing their own potential. Because I know that if you want to make your own business successful, you have to work on yourself first and foremost.

I am the one who encourages people to realize their dreams – and to do so with heart and soul and passion. Because that’s what makes a successful business: attention to detail and the willingness to keep trying new things.

So if you have the dream of starting your own business or making your existing business more successful, then you’ve come to the right place. Together we will figure out what steps you need to take next to reach your goal. So you can be sure: With me at your side, your dream of a successful business will soon become reality!

I am a business coach for digitalization and companies to successfully transform into the digital world. With my in-depth knowledge of digital markets, strategic skills and deep expertise in almost all digital applications (e-commerce, Amazon FBA, Dopshipping, Paid Ads, Website & Blog creation with WordPress / WooCommerce, Content Creation…) I help my clients to take their business to the next level. Together, we develop customized solutions that are tailored to the exact needs of your business. In this way, we ensure that you can compete successfully, make operations more efficient, and grow your business using every opportunity in talent management, organization, sales, marketing, and procurement.

I am a business coach for self-branding and help entrepreneurs market themselves. I focus on entrepreneurs’ strengths and skills and current knowledge of how to use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok and LinkedIn and help them reach their full potential. Because I know that the better you are at marketing yourself, the more successful you will be in your business.

Self-branding isn’t just a trend – it’s the future of marketing. More and more people are realizing that they need to take control of their own success. And that starts with developing yourself as a brand.

I’ll show you how to identify and highlight your strengths. How to stand out from the competition and how to develop a unique positioning. Because you can only be successful if you know who you are and what you can do.

Let’s work together on your self-branding! With a sound positioning, you can stand out from your competition and attract new customers. Together we will develop a strategy focusing on your strengths and goals.

I am a business coach for artificial intelligence and help companies and freelancers to recognize the potential of AI and use it effectively for their business. Through my work, I enable my clients to take full advantage of the competitive advantages that AI offers. I specialize in this area because I see how much the world is being impacted by AI. In just a few years, it will radically change the way we live and work. Those who seize the opportunity now to prepare for these changes will be successful in the future.

I believe that every company should embrace the power of AI to gain an edge over the competition. Through my work, I want to help companies recognize these opportunities and successfully capitalize on them. My goal is to help identify and leverage their most valuable assets to achieve incredible results. I combine real-world knowledge of business management, journalism, software development and Internet project implementation from the ground up, my passion for art and photography, and several years of experience in consulting and project management. This combination enables me to lead companies in the implementation of artificial intelligence. My passion is helping people and organizations realize their full potential. I work hard to find the best solutions for my clients and help them achieve exceptional results.

I am a business coach for social media marketing and influencer marketing. If you’re interested in a successful career in this field, you’ve come to the right place. With my support, you will learn how to build your own social media empire – from the ground up.

I have years of experience in social media marketing and know exactly which strategies work and which don’t. Thanks to my knowledge, I can help you move forward faster and more effectively. This will help you achieve your goals faster and with less effort.

Let me help you take your social media marketing to the next level! Let me guide you to set new standards with influencers and key opinion leaders. Build your own influencer business even further with my guidance.

I have been involved in optimizing websites for search engines for more than 20 years. During this time I have learned what is important for a successful search engine optimization.

Today I would like to share my knowledge and experience and help to optimize websites so that they are at the top of the search results. Because only those who are at the top are seen by the most people and thus reach their set goal.

If you also want to optimize your website and finally be on top, feel free to contact me. I look forward to supporting you in optimizing your website!

As a business coach for search engine optimization I help entrepreneurs to put their ideas into words and (moving) pictures and to present them in a convincing way. It is important to me that content priorities and target groups are created based on analysis and evaluation. I want content to be not only clear and understandable, but also emotionally appealing. Because that’s the only way to really reach and inspire your target audience. As a business coach for content creation, I specialize in creating high-quality and engaging online content. My work as a business coach here involves guiding business owners and executives in the conception, creation and marketing of their digital content.

I help my clients communicate their business goals online in a creative and effective way. With many years of experience in content marketing, I know exactly which strategies and measures are successful and help my clients implement them successfully. With me as your business coach by your side, you are well on your way to becoming successful online! Contact me today and let’s plan your success together!

25 years of business experience, that’s left its mark:

360° Digital Skills:

About Sascha Uno is a professional business coach with over 25 years of experience. As the founder of one of the first digital agencies and “website/e-commerce” makers in 1997 and as a Marketing Director and CEO of tech companies, Sascha knows what it takes to run a modern digital business. He is the co-founder of a well-known social media & Influencer Marketing Academy and has won several important international speaker appointments. He’s also authored several books and columns about marketing. 

His passion goes to everything that creates value, which is creative. Photography, film, design, podcasting, art, and lean strategies to create consumer graphics and digital emotions for businesses. Sascha Uno believes that today everyone should build their own brand to be prepared for the future of a hyper-digital and fragmented society.

At his academy, Sascha Uno explains how being a social media star is not necessarily a matter of trying to make something new. takes budding marketers and gives them the chops, the professionalism, the contracting wisdom, the financial finesse. While they may not all call themselves influencers, Sascha Uno will describe all of them as key opinion leaders (KOLs), a more prevalent term in Asia. 

One of the ways to earn reputation and generate revenue is through content creation, product placement, affiliate marketing, drop shipping and the establishment of micro-brands. And Sascha Uno points out tools that can help with monetizing. It should not be surprising that his clients on Amazon, bloggers and social media users are keen on making a profit. Influencers value being able to fulfill their passion for creating content, whether it is text or images or video. Social media influencers, journalists, and media houses are perfectly complementary, ensuring that the public has a diverse spectrum of opinions. 

On the corporate side, Sascha educates marketing experts and relationship managers for working with influencers.

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